Nature Finds 1.27.12

My images from our nature outings frequently pile up so rather than waiting for a blog topic to post them, I think I'll just start posting them as Nature Finds with the date to simplify things.

Speaking of nature, if you haven't seen this article on sand over at Circe, it's fascinating; you won't want to miss it. They quoted Author N.D. Wilson's quote in reference to the sand pieces:

"Slice the world as fine as you like it, an Artist has been there first.”

That's one for the Commonplace Book!

So here are some of our finds from our trips to the Arroyo over the past couple of weeks, in it's too late to organize them order.

Giant Beehive

Giant Water Bug

Woodrat nest

Gorgeous Sycamore Leaves

Mayfly nymphs

Caught mayfly nymphs



Raindrops on fresh lupine leaves (only the babies are covered in hair like that)

earthstar - Arica, my fungi fiending frend, discovered these. They puff spores when you tap them.

lovely leeches

now this is amazing - a wolf spider carrying it's egg sac!

twilight through bare sycamores

California buckwheat in the afternoon light

another beautiful sunset

Stay posted for more nature finds!


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